While I was pregnant the advice someone gave me was don't worry everything changes. So if you were going through a particularly difficult time it will change. Oh boy has everything changed. One week Jason will love french toast and grilled cheese and the next week he will hate it. He refused to eat pancakes last week (weird, I know!) but gobbled them up today. He continues to love taco meat though. Hopefully next he will be interested in eating his veggies :)

A couple of weeks ago he was so close to walking that we knew he would be doing it by his 13 month birthday, but he got sick and just wanted to cuddle so there was some regression. I do think we are getting closer to the walking milestone. Yesterday he wasn't paying attention and took a few shuffled steps toward his toys. Every other steps he has taken has been towards me. I just hope that he is walking by May so that I don't have to spend my cruise worrying that he will walk and I will miss it.
What cruise, you ask? Jeff and I booked a week long cruise from Rome to Athens stopping in Pompeii, Sicily, Crete and Ephesus. We are so excited to be going on a trip by ourselves, but I am nervous about leaving Jason. I know he will be in great hands with his Grandparents, but I am worried about him missing us too much or us missing him too much. The cruise is booked and we are going and it will be great to spend some time together just the two of us. I'm getting excited!

I am also so lucky that I have been welcomed into a great group of friends here. They took me in and we have been able to do something a couple of days each week. Jason even has an arranged marriage here. It has been wonderful to get out of the house and walk around in the warm weather we had been having. We are even trying to make our hubbys be friends and are all having dinner tonight. It just so happens that they all have girls so Jason is playing the ladies man with all his girlfriends. I will have to be sure to take pictures the next time we hang out.
The framed picture was from when he was 6 months and this photo was taken when he is 13 months