Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas is coming!

And I can't wait!  Our big plans are to go and spend some time in San Antonio with Jeff's family.  We were supposed to leave on Friday, December 17th, but Jeff had an important meeting rescheduled for the following Monday so we aren't leaving until that afternoon.  Hopefully the drive will be quick and painless. 

Jason has really been getting into the holiday spirit.  He loves to look at all the ornaments on the tree and really enjoyed the left over sugar cookies from the batch I made to hand out to Jeff's co-workers.  He was even okay when we saw Santa at a holiday party.  We have also been reading The Night Before Christmas almost every day and he is tolerating it well.  I for one can't wait to see him on Christmas morning with the pile of gifts staring up at him!


 We have been talking about the real meaning behind Christmas with him also and although he doesn't grasp everything I am glad we have started the conversation.  Every evening we do 2 advent calenders, the first one is a magnetic nativity scene where Jason gets to put a character or thing up.  We have had some flying wisemen or animals in the stable rafters, but Jeff and I help him out.  The second calender is just for fun and the one that Jason loves the best.  He gets a M&M on each night of December and has no trouble reminding us to complete this tradition.


As for the rest of the Christmas preperations I have almost all of the gifts wraped and packed up to take with us to Texas.  The Christmas cards got out yesterday, later than I like, but at least they made it out before Christmas!  And everyone loved the Christmas cookies I made for Jeff's co-workers and Jason's therapists.  So all in all I think we are ready for Christmas to get here, but not too fast because the anticipation is half of the fun!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Elizabeth is still a girl

That's right!  The good news is that our baby is still a girl.  The bad news is that our ultrasound tech was terrible!  We were supposed to go in for a high tech ultrasound to check baby girl's fingers.  When Jason was in utero we could see his and knew that he would have Jeff's fingers.  This tech tried for a few seconds then said the Doctor would come in and try.  When the doctor came in she said that the tech had told her that they couldn't see them.  I originally thought we wouldn't find out this time until baby girl was born, but when my OB said that they could refer me to go in I was happy to find out early.  It was just really frustrating that we couldn't see what we were specifically there to see!

You may have noticed that baby girl now has a name too.  We have for the most part decided on Elizabeth, unless something big changes before the end of March.  The thing we haven't decided is her middle name.  Originally we said Elizabeth Ann, but now we are considering Grace or Clare.  We knew we wanted something short since this girl will have a long first and last name.  So we would love to hear what you think.  I am adding a poll, please vote or comment and share your thoughts!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Continuing a tradtion

My family has a tradition of interesting Christmas cards. You will know this for sure if you have ever been the recipient of the Comer Family News. I can’t hope to be as witty as my dad so I have to rely on my son’s amazing adorableness! This year I have decided to use Shutterfly to design our Christmas cards. It is hard for us as a family of three to get good pictures of all of us together. Someone is always looking away or Jason is unhappy to be posed in a photo. So instead of finding a good picture of the three of us Jeff and I decided to instead use one of the many adorable photos of Jason and a good one of the two of us. So we needed a design that would hold two photos and we wanted one that would go with the colors in our chosen photos. Having such a great selection at Shutterfly was very helpful in appeasing my picky hubby. I really liked how we could narrow down the amount of photos and the color on the side Christmas Photo Cards It also didn’t hurt that if you blog about Shutterfly cards you can get a credit for 50 free cards (that has nothing to do with this post, of course.)

I had considered making calendars for family members, but they will be much better when we have two cuties to put in them. By next December it will be outdated to only have Jason in photos! Maybe if I can weasel Jeff into getting more pro shots or I get really good at working our SLR I can ask for one of our photos to be made into canvas wall art. The prices on these Canvas Wall Art don’t look bad and if you know anything about Jeff you know that price is a major consideration

I would share the photos that I have picked out with you, but then they wouldn’t be a surprise when they arrived in your mailbox. I will be sure to scan the ones we get to send electronically to Jeff’s work friends in Australia and Indonesia so maybe I will post it after Christmas. Well, I’m excited to get going on ordering our card so that we can get it out before we leave for Christmas vacation. I hope your family keeps us updated over the holidays.