Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hold on!

I feel like I have been saying that a lot, to Jason, to Elizabeth, to life!   It always seems to be that when Jason wants something I am in the middle of doing something for Elizabeth.  Jason just got over a very nasty stomach bug that lasted from Tuesday until Sunday and has suddenly had a newfound interest in eating.  I am thrilled with this interest generally speaking because our little shrimp needs to eat, unfortunately he only ever wants to eat when Mommy is nursing Elizabeth.  He is very used to being an only child and getting what he wants when he wants it.  It feels like every other phrase out of my mouth is "hold on a second Jason"

Elizabeth at 1 month

Jason at 1 month

Then there is our little Elizabeth, who is becoming not so little.  She is a whole month old now! We call her a little chunky monkey, but I am not sure she is any chunkier than any other baby.  I am constantly comparing the two kids and trying to remember if Jason was this chunky at this age, because he certainly doesn't look it now.  Elizabeth is getting so much head control and has even rolled over on accident a few times.  I feel like a terrible mother though because we didn't even document her first Easter with pictures of her.  We did take a couple of Jason opening his basket, but Elizabeth was napping and we put the camera down and forgot to pick it back up to get cute pictures of the kiddos all dressed up.

Mostly we forgot because Jeff, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Michelle and Uncle Michael hustled off after church to unload our house into a storage unit here in San Antonio.  They worked their tails to the bone and we repaid them with the nice stomach bug I mentioned that Jason had.  They were thankful, I'm sure.  Now everyone is mostly recovered and we are trying to settle into life here in Texas.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Goodbye New Mexico

I'm sorry I have been awful about updating the blog.  In the pre-Elizabeth time I would update while Jason was napping or after he went to bed, but with Elizabeth I spend a lot of that time sleeping or holding her.  We also had my parents visiting last week so we were kept busy.  It was really great to have my mom around to help especially on Thursday when Jeff and I were both feeling sick.  We know my dad loved cuddling his new granddaughter too!

This is also shaping up to be a busy week also: we will be packing boxes all week, then on Friday and Saturday we will be loading up a truck and on Sunday we will be moving to San Antonio, Texas.  While Jeff is looking for a new job we have decided to stay with his parents.  It will give me some help with the kids while Jeff is off interviewing and it will be nice to live in a major area with shopping and an airport.  I just hope we don't have to impose on their generosity for too long.

I know the grandparents will be very happy to see the kiddos.  Elizabeth might have started out small but she is growing fast.  At her two week appointment she had gained 1 pound and 3 ounces!  Our little chubster is a pretty cute girl though.  Jason has a few moments of jealousy over mommy's time but he has been nothing but sweet with his baby sister.  One of the most difficult evenings came when Jason was refusing his dinner and everything other than Mommy.  Elizabeth needed to eat and I had not had a chance to finish my dinner.  To say the least I didn't have enough hands to make both of my children happy.  Things have gotten better as I learn what needs have to be dealt with immediately and what can wait a bit.  I also recently realized that Elizabeth may have been effected by my afternoon soda so I cut it out yesterday and we had a great night.  Hopefully it wasn't a fluke. 

Well a little boy is awake so I have to sign off now.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

There goes the rug...

Our little family is settling in at home. Elizabeth is a great eater and even lets us get lots of sleep some nights. We are getting to know her personality a little better. She doesn't like anything up near her chin and like most babies loves to be held when she sleeps. I wanted to try to get her sleeping in her crib early on, but we haven't gotten around to it because we are worried about disturbing Jason's sleep. We were so blessed to have Grandma Salomon stay with us for a week after Elizabeth was born. She cooked and cleaned and took care of all of us. Jason loved having the extra attention and Grandma loved spending time with both of her grandbabies. We didn't want to send her back, but Grandpa and Uncle Michael were missing her. So on Saturday we all drove up to Albuquerque to take Grandma to the airport with promises that she would see us in a few weeks. The Salomon's have offered to help us move into our new Tucson house over Easter weekend.

We took advantage of our time in Albuquerque and found a refrigerator for our new house (it was missing one), a double stroller, and a bunch of summer clothes for Elizabeth. We were told that Elizabeth was going to be a large baby so I didn't have many summer clothes for her in newborn size which is what it ends up our tiny girl will need for a while. I must not have been thinking when I stocked up because for some reason most of her clothes were long sleeve and pants which is a little warm for our 80 degree spring days.

I though the most difficult thing about Monday would be handling 2 kids by myself. I was so nervous, but forced myself to be productive and went grocery shopping and got some laundry done. Right after I got Jason down for his nap Jeff called. I was so excited to tell him how well everything was going, but he also had some things to tell me. Apparently his company was no longer going to be in the reclamations any more, which means that he had a job for now, but needed to start looking for a new one. The rug was pulled right out from under us. Goodbye Tucson, goodbye house. Life was changing. I went through so many emotions right then: anger at his boss who we asked if we should commit to a house, frustration and sadness that we wouldn't be fulfilling our housing dream at this point, concern in the fact that we have 2 kids that need food and clothes, and a million others that I couldn't name. We have gotten started on canceling the contract on the house and Jeff is starting to contact his contacts to see if he can find a good job that he wants. And we have been praying, oh there has been so much praying for guidance and help. Obviously the Tucson plan wasn't what God had in mind for us, but I kind of liked it, so it has been hard for me to let go of. I know that God will guide us and we just need to trust him.

Now that I have had a few days for this news to sink in, I am still a little upset, but I am trying to accept that there is a plan for us that I may not understand.  As always we will keep you guys updated on where our life leads.