Lately Jason has been falling asleep on the way home from church on Sundays. That's okay with me because it seems like when he falls asleep earlier for naps he sleeps better at night. The only difficult part is taking my sleeping boy from his car seat to his bed when we get home. I pride myself on rarely waking him up for this even as I take off his shoes and cuddle his sweet limp body on my shoulder. When I have to take Jason, Elizabeth and all our stuff in by myself it requires a few trips out to the car and back. This Sunday Jeff was with us and he brought in Elizabeth and my diaper bag. As I was coming down the stairs he told me we needed to have a conversation. Apparently I was getting my anniversary present from him today, he was taking me to dinner and a concert in Austin (about an hour away.) YAY! but my head was spinning with questions: Who? Celtic Woman. When? leaving at 3pm. What are we doing with the kids? ditching them with Grandma! I got a date night out!

So even though the traffic was awful in Austin (seriously, who does construction on every major highway at the same time?) we had a wonderful time. Our first stop was Cabela's, a sporting goods store, to get a reclining camping chair to replace the one I got Jeff for Christmas that was broken. Next it was time to battle the traffic to get some dinner, we decided on Outback, and off to the show. I was a little nervous as we waited for the show to begin that since I didn't know much about the group or any of their music I wouldn't enjoy the show. That was not the case at all. I did know some of the songs and I enjoyed listening to the new ones. After the concert was over we hurried home before exhaustion set in.
We came home to a report that both of our kiddos ate that night. Jason decided to try a little bit of everyone's dinner and Elizabeth ate 16oz in the 6 hours she was awake! Grandma has decided that our little girl is going to eat us out of house and home, we will see. Both of them went to bed without a problem. All in all it was a pretty good night!
Some other things that are going on with us:
Jason got his first professional haircut and is looking so much like a big boy!
Jeff has a few job nibbles, but nothing is signed yet. We will keep you updated with that.
Jeff and my 6 year wedding anniversary is coming up on Sunday May 29th.
Elizabeth has her 2 month appointment on Thursday and we are all going camping this weekend. But right now the little girl needs me so I'll have to sign off.