Finally a good one!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Ten Months
Yesterday Elizabeth turned 10 months old and celebrated with her very first pony tail. There isn't much hair to put up yet, but there is one long piece that always tries to fall into her face. It is funny to look at the stickers I use to mark her monthly birthdays. The 1, 2, and 3 month ones are pretty pristine and undamaged, but as the months progress and Elizabeth got more mobil the stickers and her clothes got more wear. The 10 month photo shoot was quite a battle. It was a beautiful day outside so I decided to take the kids outside to do the photos. I imagined that Jason would blow bubbles (his latest love) and I would capture a few beautiful pictures of Elizabeth and we would all have a great afternoon. You know that isn't the way it worked. Elizabeth was way more interested in trying to get the bubble solution than being a model and while I was trying to prevent that Jason decided to go play in some sand. Except it wasn't just sand it was an ant hill...a red ant hill. The poor boy has bites all over one hand and a couple on his body. Now he goes around the house saying "ants...ouchy"

Finally a good one!
Finally a good one!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
sweet siblings
I'm sorry I have to keep this short, but there is an attack baby who wants to nibble on my laptop. Recently I have had a few friends who have shared concerns about having two babies close together. Although ours aren't as close as others (Karen, you're my hero) 25 months between the two can make life a battle at times. I just had to share this supper cute story from this morning.
I knew when we had a second child that Jason would teach her things, but I had no clue that she would be teaching him things. Elizabeth, like most babies, likes to put everything into her mouth. Jason never really got into this so I am treading through uncharted territory. I should say that he never got into it until he saw Elizabeth doing it. I have wondered if him exploring the world with his mouth lead to his recent speech development. Now I just hope he will copy sister's love of veggies!
"hehe ya right Mommy!"
I was cleaning the kitchen, which desperately needed it. I had Elizabeth in with me, but Jason was playing trains in his room. He came in and the next thing I know I find him crawling around the island. He is playing chase and entertaining his sister. They are both giggling away and I wish I had gotten a video. He can be so sweet to her sometimes and I love to see them hug on each other. Also Jason has started this habit of when Elizabeth wakes up and cries out he wants to be the first one in her room to rescue her.
I knew when we had a second child that Jason would teach her things, but I had no clue that she would be teaching him things. Elizabeth, like most babies, likes to put everything into her mouth. Jason never really got into this so I am treading through uncharted territory. I should say that he never got into it until he saw Elizabeth doing it. I have wondered if him exploring the world with his mouth lead to his recent speech development. Now I just hope he will copy sister's love of veggies!
"hehe ya right Mommy!"
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We hope you all had a very blessed Christmas and rang in the New Year in celebration! We have returned home from San Antonio, found homes for most of our new stuff, and taken down our Christmas decorations. For Jason, this was the year of the train. He got tons of Thomas the Train stuff and loves it all! I got a new lens for my camera and a Cricut Imagine that both prints and cuts for scrapbooking, among other wonderful things. Jeff is ready to be decked out as a true Texas Cowboy and Elizabeth got tons of girly clothes.
We did experiance our own little Christmas miracle. Jason started talking to us. After saying tortilla he figured out how excited his parents were that he was speaking. He has said so many things I can't even count them. Lots of more animal sounds, yes and no reliably, choo choo train, two,and he repeats any word he chooses. I will have to be sure to get a video of him when he is in a chatty mood. True to two year old fashion when you ask him to say something he will give you a sweet little "no." He also has his own little way of saying "Elizabeth" and "Christmas Eve", which he insisted on saying from Christmas Eve all the way through New Years Day. We are so happy he is making leaps and bounds towards speaking!
We did experiance our own little Christmas miracle. Jason started talking to us. After saying tortilla he figured out how excited his parents were that he was speaking. He has said so many things I can't even count them. Lots of more animal sounds, yes and no reliably, choo choo train, two,and he repeats any word he chooses. I will have to be sure to get a video of him when he is in a chatty mood. True to two year old fashion when you ask him to say something he will give you a sweet little "no." He also has his own little way of saying "Elizabeth" and "Christmas Eve", which he insisted on saying from Christmas Eve all the way through New Years Day. We are so happy he is making leaps and bounds towards speaking!
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