14 years ago today I asked Jeff to go out with me. It was the best decision of my life!
I know I haven't written much lately. Mostly it has been because we have just been hanging out as a family lately and laying low. The kids have been doing pretty well working with their casts. Our little town is great about holidays and had the town square all decked out for Halloween so we decided to take some photos out there.
Last weekend Jeff suggested we go camping, so we packed our bags and headed down to Huntsville, TX. It was pretty chilly at night and we were disappointed when we discovered that our heater wasn't working because of a problem with the battery. We all bundled up and cuddled Elizabeth in the middle of the night. We were a little concerned we wouldn't be able to find a camp site because it is camping season and that also made us decide to veto hiking. We did get to explore the Texas Prison Museum and chase the kids around there. We all found the Sam Houston Museum more interesting and the kids had lots of fun walking around holding hands.
We have had some beautiful fall weather lately, but I know that isn't true for the east coast. We even claimed a refugee from that area. My dad was traveling and couldn't get back to Virginia so he decided to stop in and visit with the grandkids for a few days. Since he has been here we have been preparing for Halloween by carving pumpkins and the kids decided to rearrange the baby pumpkins I had outside the front door. They brought them down the walk to the mailbox planter and back up again. Over and over again.
Tomorrow is a pretty big day for us here. The kids get off their casts and we are all excited to see the final result. After we return from that we are getting decked out and going trick or treating. I hope to post photos from tomorrow soon and I can't wait to see all the cute little munchkins dressed up tomorrow at our door and on Facebook!