Monday, November 19, 2012

The most amazing husband or why I'm a klutz

Our house was starting to look gross so I decided to clean it from top to bottom.  It would be nice to return from Thanksgiving to a clean house then get decorated for Christmas.  When it opened I called the hand surgery unit because Elizabeth's wrist, where they took the skin graft from for her hand surgery, was taking longer than expected to heal and was possibly looking infected.  I sent the nurse a picture and she said she would talk to the doctor and call me back.  So while I was waiting I went back to cleaning.  I had just finished moping the kitchen and was moving all the cleaning stuff to the bathroom.  I grabbed the paper towels, cleaning spray and my phone so that I could catch the nurses return call.  As I turned to head out of the kitchen it happened, I dropped my phone and spash, of course it landed in the mop bucket!  I could not make that shot if I had tried!  I grabbed it out and worked on ripping off the cover. 

After looking on the internet I found out that there are a few things you are NOT supposed to do if you drop your phone in water:
  • Turn it on
  • plug it into the power cord
Before I saw this guess what I did...turned it on.  The screen had dark spots on it and the sound wasn't working, but I could and did text my husband freaking out about what I did.  Then I remembered I had heard about people using rice to help dry out waterlogged phones.  I realized that the rice was getting lodged in the crevices for the power cord and the headphones so I plugged it in and put in the headphones to avoid getting rice stuck in there.  Then I looked online and realized I was doing everything wrong and expecting miracles too soon.  So I ploped it into a bowl of rice, left it alone and went back to cleaning.

I was just finishing all the cleaning when I heard the garage door open.  In walks Jeff and says so what happened with your phone?  I relate it all to him and he asks if going out to lunch would make me feel any better.  Yup I numbed the pain of my loss with yummy food for a little bit.  Now I'm going to leave my phone in the rice until Wednesday when we leave for San Antonio and hope it will work!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I get it!

You know when you have been struggling with something and then you finally get it?  My mom used to say "light dawns on marble head."  Well that is how I felt this week.  I have been trying to get better at photography.  Not like I want to become a professional photographer, more like I want to capture my kids really well.  I know the most important part is understanding my camera and how to make the most of my photos straight out of the camera, but sometimes things don't work out right.  So I have been wishing I knew more about some photo editing software.  We were gifted Photoshop Elements and it had been sitting on the shelf until I decided to install it.  Now what?  I opened it and had no clue what to do!  So a couple of months went by and I ran across a tutorial by accident and the light dawned.  I'm slowly (very slowly) learning to figure this stuff out.  So you get to be tourtured by the fruit of my work:
2012_11_002_edited-1 by RachSal
I've always wanted to learn how to do this!

2012_11_008_edited-1 by RachSal

Something else I'm loving, Jason's imgination!  Lately when Jeff comes home he has been begging Daddy to play Pooh and Piglet.  Sometimes Elizabeth is even let in on the action.  They go to the "thoughtful spot" to figure out if they are going to play chase, go ice skating, go fishing, listen to Owl read a story, or do a dozen other things Jeff is wonderful enough to think up.
2012_11_023 by RachSal2012_11_021 by RachSal

2012_11_024 by RachSal

And of course we need some focus on my sweet girl wearing a headband for about 5 seconds!
2012_11_032_edited-2 by RachSal

2012_11_038 by RachSal

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Big Day!

Goodness!  Yesterday was a huge day for us.  I'll start off with the cute Halloween photos.  We went trick or treating around our neighborhood and the kids loved it!  Jason was ready to get on his costume as soon as we got home from Dallas.  After dinner and some photos we headed out for the night.  Both kids were carried a bit, but Jason was almost running up every driveway.  Eventually we were debating if we should be done or hit one more street and Jason said to us, "I think I'm ready to go home now" so we did.
2012_10_ 091 by RachSal
2012_10_ 093 by RachSal
2012_10_ 096 by RachSal
2012_10_ 098 by RachSal
Earlier that day we headed into Dallas and were looking at new car seats for both kids for when they are riding in Jeff's truck.  Jason's had expired and for Elizabeth we were using her infant seat, which she had outgrown, or moving the convertible from my car to Jeff's truck and back again.  We did find a new seat for Jason, but weren't able to find one that was as compact as we would like for Elizabeth.  It seems like car seats are getting bigger and bigger lately!
2012_10_ 086 by RachSal
The main reason we went to Dallas yesterday was to get the kids casts off.  Grandpa has been displaced due to Sandy so he joined us and helped Jason watch trains and pass the time while we waited.  The last time Jason had a cast on there was a mix up and he had a harder cast.  They had to use a cast saw to take it off and although he did pretty well we knew he was anxious about hearing that noisy saw again.  This time he insisted that his sister go first and we were all pleasantly surprised when the nurse just unwrapped Elizabeth's cast like an Ace bandage!  Elizabeth was concerned as her hand was unwrapped, but when it was all done and her hand was washed she took having her hand back in stride.  Jason was more excited about having his cast off, but as the cast came off and he saw his hand he started to freak out a bit.  We washed his hand, but he wasn't happy until we covered his hand back up.  He alternated between not wanting to see his hand and wanting to pick at it.  We covered up his hand so that he couldn't pick at it much and it wouldn't scar too bad.  The hands look a little gross, but I did take some pictures.  The hands will look way better in the next few days.  I know not everyone will want to see these hands so I am putting them at the end of the post.  Thank you all for thinking about us!

Elizabeth's hand photos:
2012_10_ 087 by RachSal
2012_10_ 089 by RachSal

Jason's hand photos:
2012_10_ 099 by RachSal
2012_10_ 100 by RachSal