On Thursday night we told the kids we were going camping this weekend and they were STOKED! Jason was especially excited and stayed up an hour past bedtime talking about going camping, he could not wait! Jeff was supposed to be home around noon and it was especially hard for Jason to wait until he got home around 3:30 and we finally got on the road. We went to
Mission Tejas State Park, the site of the first mission in Texas and set up the camper. That evening we cooked steaks over the campfire and had s'mores, Elizabeth's first time and she was a fan! The park had a few really neat buildings we checked out the next morning. After that we took the kids on adventure: we went to Rusk to ride
Texas State Railroad and to say that the kids were excited is an understatement!

We got to explore the engine

This is one excited little boy

Little engineers!

A family photo on the train thanks to the conductor

The kids with Daddy, who knows why Elizabeth was yelling
That afternoon after a bit of a nap we took the kids to play at the playground at the camp site
The kids loved going camping and we had some beautiful weather for it this weekend. It was a bit cold so we were happy that our camper has a heater, but I'm so happy we got to go before it was too hot.