Elizabeth is so excited about her Aunt's upcoming wedding and we have been playing around with her hair to figure out what I'm going to do.
This one was pretty but too simple I think:
This one we did for church and it was pretty for an hour or so, but like her Mommy's hair, Elizabeth's hair doesn't like to hold curls
I think this one is my favorite so far. We did it using curl formers in her pony tail and then pinned up the curls. It stayed all through the afternoon, even playing outside as you might have seen in Wednesday's post
We had an exciting Columbus Day weekend. As a side note: in Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving during that weekend and the best part it is socially acceptable to start decorating for Christmas right afterwards! For us in the US it was only a 3 day weekend, but it was kind of special for some of our family members. Karen, Jeff's oldest sister who lives in Virginia, asked us to join her in going down to San Antonio. When we agreed we didn't know we would also be meeting her boyfriend! Jeff's cousin's baby was also having her early first birthday celebration down there.
On Friday the kids had a dentist appointment in Waco so we all decided to head south a little early. The kids teeth looked great and they were both so brave. I can't believe that Jason is almost at the age where we are looking out for wiggly teeth! We continued south and stopped at the San Marcos Outlets. At the beginning of the month we headed up to Dallas to get the kids new shoes. By the time we got around to looking at shoes Jason was done! Elizabeth got light up princess shoes, but we couldn't reward Jason's poor behavior. Fast forward to Friday and Jason was so excited to find Darth Vader shoes that light up both blue and red! After a little lunch we finished our drive down to San Antonio. Grandpa had been watching lot of online classes with new Frisbee Golfing techniques so Jeff had to take him to try them out.
Saturday started with a trip to the doughnut shop and the kids really loved the free samples! The rest of Saturday was filled with games and getting to know John, Karen's Boyfriend. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins and going to the park with Grandma!
Going to a small church gives a great sense of community, but the kids really like going to their Grandparents' church since they provide a wonderful Sunday school. That afternoon we had cake and finished opening baby Riley's gifts. We have found that with little ones it is much nicer to spread out the gift giving because they want to play with the new toy and get overwhelmed opening too many things at once. That afternoon Karen took John on a tour of San Antonio Missions and the River walk. The Grandparents offered to watch the kids so Jeff and I went to a movie and dinner. We are so lucky that our kids normally behave better for others then they do for us. Later that night we got a very exciting text: Karen and John were engaged!
Jason and Elizabeth breakfast selfies
Jason's ready to play laser tag
Monday morning we were all excited to discuss the engagement over pancakes at Magnolia Pancake House (I recommend the Munchener Apfel Pfannekuchen if you are ever in San Antonio!) After taking a few photos, playing a game, and packing up we decided to go and play laser tag. Elizabeth was a little too small and hung out with Grandpa, but Jason was so excited to play. Even a week later he is recounting who got whom. Before we knew it we had to start heading home. What an exciting whirlwind of a weekend!