So as promised I will give you an update on our housing situation. Jeff, Jason and I looked at houses all last weekend and decided to put an offer in on a house on Monday. It was a really nice house with a beautiful backyard. It had a pool and a grill and a grassy area for Jason and Elizabeth to play. It's kitchen is a little closed in and the master closet is awful, but it is a beautiful house. It had a dry bar with a wine cooler and kegorater that Jeff and I would probably love if we drank more. It is also in a pretty nice neighborhood with great schools. It was priced at $330,000 and we offered $287,000. We know it was a bit low, but we didn't want to overpay for it. We prayed a lot and found out that although the house had been on the market for 2 years they suddenly got another offer right as ours came in. We were given the option to up our offer and did offer $295,000. We found out this morning that we lost the house, but we had kind of figured that when we had not heard a lot. It's okay and we know that we will find the right house for us.

We are debating on making an offer on our second choice house. It is priced much lower, but it isn't in as good of a school system. The back yard has a pool, but is really nothing to get excited about. The issue is that it is a nice house, but nothing about it screams GREAT! We will have to see.
Good luck! You have already owned more homes than I have lived in my entire life!!