Then we all flew to Virginia for Jeff and I's 10 year high school reunion. We stayed with my parents and my wonderful brother gave up his room so that we could all stay on one floor. They took us to a park where Jason got to ride the ghost train (not scary at all) and watched the kids while we were at the reunion on Saturday night. Jason was an angel and although Elizabeth wouldn't take a bottle she did go to sleep for Uncle Brian. We had a great time at the reunion catching up with people we haven't seen in...well 10 years. On Sunday morning we attended the church we were married in 6 years ago and got to catch up with the pastor who married us.
That afternoon we spent some time with our friends Nathan, Cristy and their little boy. They played on the playground and fed the ducks and (in Jason's case) fish. By that time the boys were ready for nap time so we headed home. Jeff napped with Jason while Elizabeth, my mom and I helped support the local economy. On Monday we knew most people would be at work so our family did some more supporting the economy and had lunch out with my dad. We had planned on going to a local nursery for a fall festival, but Jason was completely worn out and took an extra long nap so as soon as we could we headed to the new Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on the mall with our friends. Before we had much time to explore it started raining on us. We dashed back to the car and grabbed some dinner and hung out while the kids played. Before we knew it we had to fly home on Tuesday morning.
Jeff took the rest of the week off because he had some extra time to use before the end of the year. We tried to get some family photographs on Wednesday and hopefully they will turn out. The rest of the week we just spent some time being together as a family and preparing for Halloween. Jason helped carve a pumpkin and we all watched football on Sunday.
On Monday night we were all ready to get out trick or treating! Jason still had not figured out how to say trick or treat, but charmed everyone with his cuteness! Every morning now he comes into the kitchen and sees his pumpkin bucket on top of the fridge and points to it. Of course he doesn't get any until later in the day, but it is cute that he remembers what is in there.
November is hopefully going to be a slower month for us. Besides a couple of appointments we are just looking forward to Thanksgiving. Since their plans changed recently we invited Jeff's family up here for Thanksgiving and this will be the largest group I have had for the holiday yet.
Adorable pictures!!! And how about those Chiefs, huh?