IMG_8584, a photo by RachSal on Flickr.
So a few weeks ago we moved Elizabeth and all her stuff into Jason's room. It is a huge bedroom and thankfully even with all of their toys everything fits in there! It used to be Jason's train themed room, but we are going with a more gender neutral star theme with some trains thrown in.
My biggest concern with all this was how would the kids do sleeping together and honestly they have taken it pretty well. They do sometimes keep each other up later than we would like, but most of the time they are respectful and quiet when the other one is sleeping. It was a huge change for Elizabeth because this was also her transition to a big girl bed. When I put them to bed each night after stories and prayer and as I'm turning off the lights I normally tell them, "go to sleep, no chitter chatter." Lately Elizabeth has been reminding me as she is going to sleep saying to me "no chitter chatter" in her sweet little girl way. It doesn't mean she actually follows through, but she tries to be good. They do seem to both like having a buddy near by at night and I think it has helped Elizabeth not be such a light sleeper.
So what's happening with Elizabeth's old room you might ask: We are actually turning it into a craft room for me and guest room when needed. Originally I think Jeff was planning on me doing scrapbooking in there and I probably will, but I recently got the urge to get out my Mother in law's old Singer and try sewing again. I have tried a couple of times and never go very far before I got frustrated and gave up. For some reason most things worked this time (there was still a little operator error) and my first project was this simple skirt. Then I couldn't find the right containers to put Jason's quiet boxes and the light dawned that I could make bags, and I did! I am using every project as a learning experience. I am really keeping it very simple for right now and maybe one day I'll be able to do the more complicated things.
my very simple skirt
Jason with the plate he made me for Mother's day
The whole family on Mother's day
We have a lot of fun things planned for this summer and I will, as always, try to keep the blog updated with them!
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