When people ask for an interesting fact about me I almost always tell them about Jeff and I sharing a birthday. This year it happened to fall on Labor day weekend and we were down visiting Jeff's family in San Antonio. We were joined by his cousin's family and Great Grandma. We went Frisbee golfing and the kids played on the playground in the morning and Jeff and I went out on a date in the evening. We love taking advantage of our grandparent babysitters! The next day we all headed over to the water park for one last summer splash around.

Sweet baby!

Elizabeth had a huge day after we came home. It was her first day of preschool and ballet lessons. I'm glad she is so photogenic because as soon as we went outside to do first day pictures I got a call that Jason had gotten sick at school and we needed to pick him up. I guess I will need to wait a few days for that kid free time. There was such a difference between the two kids. Elizabeth was just fine with me leaving her at preschool and didn't even seem to think twice about it. I look back and remember Jason being so much more tentative with this transition. I think in part it is because for the last two years she saw big brother going off to preschool and has come to expect and really wish she could go. She did great her first day, but I don't think she slept enough, especially considering what else was going on that afternoon.

When we got home from picking her up Elizabeth was excited to see that Grandma, Grandpa, and Great Grandma had arrived. She was even more excited about going to ballet class. Elizabeth has been talking about ballet for months now and has been counting down the days until she could start. Today was her big day and she did wonderfully!

She learned first and second position

And of course there was a lot of spinning.

This is one happy ballerina!
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