Hugging brother goodbye before school
I have been really bad about picking up my camera this month. I only have about 10 photos in my November folder where most months by this time I have close to 100. I really have no explanation for this except laziness. I plan to correct this next week while the kids are home all week and we with family for Thanksgiving

Watching the bus go
At the beginning of the month Jeff was being considered for a move within the company. For a few different reasons we thought we would probably be moving near Austin. We did lots of yard work and home repairs in preparation for selling the house. I was excited to live in a more metropolitan area with more opportunities for me and the kids. Jeff would also get to network better in the company and get to show more people what he could do, but alas it was not meant to be. As always we remember that our lives are in God's hands and he is leading us in the best way for our family. Of course there are great things about staying also. We love Elizabeth's preschool and she is loving her ballet class and we can't wait for their recital in the spring. Jason has been blossoming in Kindergarten and Awanas. He even memorized all of the books of the New Testament in one week! I had also planned out how we were going to combine the kids birthday parties at a local bounce house place towards the end of February or beginning of March

Elizabeth dressing her doll
Lastly, Jason shares. Jason got a terrible stomach bug last Tuesday that zapped his energy for most of the rest of the week. As often happens, we all ended up with it, Jeff and Elizabeth had it on Monday and I had it on this Tuesday. We are all slowly recovering and hope to feel 100% soon.
I'm sorry I haven't updated much lately, but hopefully you will be appeased by the photos I have included from the kids Thanksgiving feasts

Jason with a buddy at school

He has been giving me this strange smile lately, I can't wait for the normal smile to come back

Elizabeth was so excited for Daddy to have lunch with her!

My wild little Indians!
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