I have been meaning to post for a while, but never quite find the time to do it. Now that the little man is able to crawl around, watch out world here he comes! As soon as he started crawling he started pulling himself up on things. Most of our pictures now are of him pulled up on some surface trying to grab what he can. It is a funny sight to see in the mornings. He loves to be able to pull himself up on the open dishwasher and also to check out what is in the refrigerator. So in the mornings we see him crawling between the two while Jeff and I are prepairing breakfast and packing Jeff's lunch. Jason gets mad when someone closes up the fridge before he has a chance to explore it.
It has really become winter here in the last week or so. We were so lucky it held off so long. There is snow on the ground and it doesn't look like it is going to get above freezing again until spring. In a way I am thankful that we have an apartment because we don't have to worry about shoveling the snow at all. One of these weekends I hope to take Jason and Jeff out to take pictures in the snow. I think we would have a lot of fun and it would be great to put in Jason's scrapbook.
Many people have asked us if we are going to stay in the apartment the whole time we are here. Most of the concern comes from the treacherous staircase. This thing looks like the stairs that the priest fell down at the end of the exorcist. We have looked around at houses/apartments for rent, but haven't been able to find anything good. Well we have found some places, but they are unfurnished and all of our stuff is in storage in the US. We looked at buying new stuff and the cost would be about $10,000. No Thank You!!! So for now we will carefully deal with the deathly stairs and the furnished apartment.
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