I know I haven't written in a while, but hopefully you will excuse me for being on vacation. We just got back from our Vacation in the States and are trying to find homes for everything. Jason has gotten so big and we were glad for him to spend time with family over the holidays.

We started our vacation a week before Christmas in Virginia. We seem to have brought down the cold weather with us because the day after we got there they had one of the biggest snow storms in recent memory. We spent a lot of the time there at the house because it was so difficult to get out. We get a chance to go to my dad's promotion ceremony. We are all so proud of him. We even got to spend time with Kevin's Fiance, Rachel, before she went to spend time with her family. On Christmas eve we left for San Antonio to see Jeff's family.

We had an amazing Christmas with the Salomons. They absloutly spoiled Jason and I am not sure that toys r us had anything left. I got a bunch of scrapbooking stuff including a Cricut. Now I hope to get Jeff to set up a table I can work on instead of the coffee table. In Texas we played a bunch of board games, swam in the pool, went shopping and just spent time together. On New Years Day we visited Corpus Christi where we went to the aquarium, the aircraft carrier, Lexington, and the beach. We were so sorry to go the next day!

Everyone enjoyed seeing Jason and by the end of the trip he was even okay with letting people other than Mommy hold him. He pulls up on anything he can and, as the grandparents found out, nothing is safe from him. He now has 4 teeth, two on top and two on the bottom. Occasionally when he doesn't relize it he will stand up on his own. Normally this is when both hands are occupied and he doesn't notice that he isn't holding on. He is causiously currious and wants to explore the world at his own pace. Of course he wanted to attack Uncle Michael's cool toys and Michael even shared his cars.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and 2010 brings you many blessings!
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