Well I unexpected icy cold dip yesterday! I went outside to grill steaks for dinner and passed by the pool on the way there. I noticed our pool cleaner, the Polaris, was full of leaves and needed to be emptied. So after I put the steaks on the grill I went to do just that. Before I got down I checked the pocket I normally kept my phone in, wouldn't want that to fall in, and it was empty. All the better, I must have set it down inside! So I leaned down to get the cord and heard a plunk of something falling in. At first I thought A piece of the Polaris had come apart, but looked down to see a small rectangle floating to the bottom of the pool. Oh no, my phone!!! I had slipped it into the pocket of my hoodie and forgotten about it. I stripped down and jumped in the freezing cold water. Oh boy was it cold!!! Thank goodness our yard has a large fence so I didn't give the neighbors a show! I went under the water and grabbed my phone and got out as fast as I could.
I ran inside, leaving my clothes out by the pool and yelled to Jeff to turn on a hot shower. He wasn't expecting that! The kids were so surprised and kept asking questions, but all I could think about was getting warm in the shower. At first glance it had looked like my phone had been protected by it's case, but on further investigations it might have some issues so it is chilling in a container of rice. Jeff took care of grilling the steaks and bringing in my clothes while I warmed up. Taking a dip was not something I had planned for the beginning of January!
There are better ways to clean up your phone book!