With Christmas being two weeks past I figure I better give a wrap up before I forget everything! We spent a couple days of Jason's holiday break at home so Jeff could work more. On one of those days we headed up to Dallas to one of the really nice malls they have up there. We heard Santa tell a story and saw puppet shows featuring Scrooge and a Toy Maker, but the best part was going to visit the trains. To benefit Ronald McDonald House they have displayed all these toy trains with track running all around the large store. Jason marveled at all the trains and I liked looking at the reproductions of landmarks from across the country. Elizabeth just liked being able to wander around.

A couple days before Christmas we packed the Excursion full and headed down to San Antonio to see family. Aunt Karen arrived from Virginia and Cousins Emmett, Sarah, Rachel and Riley came down. Jason was sleeping in the same room as Jeff and I on Christmas Eve and the sweetest thing happened, he just started giggling in his sleep. It was so cute! Then Christmas morning was there before we knew it! Elizabeth keeps changing her mind about what her favorite gift was, but I think for Jason it was his helicopter! My favorite moment of the morning was when Jeff told me to guess what was in a rather large gift. I shook it and guessed maybe shoes, but that didn't feel right. I unwrapped it and inside was another wrapped box, inside that was a small gift bag and inside that was a little box. Jeff had gotten me diamond earrings and a big surprise!

One evening we got to leave Jason and Elizabeth with the grandparents while Michelle, Karen, Jeff and I went out for a bit. We went out to dinner and then to Michelle's house to play a very fun game Jeff had received for Christmas, Red Dragon Inn. We slept over and it was glorious to get a chance to sleep in for a bit. The next day Jeff, Michelle, Grandma and Karen took the kids out on a bike ride to see the aqueduct, which they really enjoyed. Sadly that was the last nice day for a while. We took Jason to play laser tag again and he really loved it. Grandpa took Elizabeth out to Build a Bear and she built one of her My Little Ponies, Princess Celestia, who sang "Let it Go" from Frozen. We were happy to see the sun come out on our last day there! Jeff finally got to go Frisbee Golfing right before we left.

Vacations are nice, but it is also very nice to be in your own home.
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