EEEK! We were finally here, ready for our first day! During our planning I used the Unofficial Disney World Guide and the Touring Plans website to schedule what we were going to do each day. Some parks it worked really well in and some it didn't. Animal Kingdom it did and we got a lot done quickly.

We started off heading to a dinosaur style spin ride that is similar to Dumbo. We wanted to start with something fun for the kiddos. Next up we had a Fast Pass Plus (FP+) for Expedition Everest, one of the newest rides in the parks. Jason was so excited about this ride even though I made it clear to him that he was too short to ride it. Jeff and I took turns riding it and were quizzed after we finished by Jason. Next it was off to Kilimanjaro Safari to see some wild animals!

While we were on Safari we saw some storks, I didn't get a picture, but Elizabeth called out "Those are the ones that bring the babies!" and cracked up the entire bus.

After we finished with the Safari we hopped on a train to go to the petting area. We were a little disappointed that most of the animals seemed to be in the "rest" area, but the kiddos did find a few to love on

After washing our hands well we rode the train back to the main park. Jeff and Jason headed over to Kali River Rapids while Elizabeth and I watched a show on birds. Elizabeth was more interested in climbing on the bleachers, but it was something to do rather than just wait for the boys. They finished just about the same time we did, except Jason needed to change his clothes because he got soaked on the ride! He loved it though and at the end of the day proclaimed it his favorite ride.

For lunch I had a special surprise planned. We were going to Tusker House to have lunch with some great friends! The kids were so amazed to see Mickey, Daisy, Donald and Goofy at lunch I think they almost forgot to eat. They kept watch to see who would come over next. We did learn an important tip to keep the kids on the outside so they could easily get to the characters.

By the end if the lunch Elizabeth was tuckered out so she decided not to participate in the parade around the restaurant. Jason was thrilled to march behind Goofy.

After lunch we left the park to go back to our camper and rest. We did this every day and it was such a good idea even though it took a chunk out of our day. We got out of the sun, some of us slept, but all of us got a good rest. When we got back to the park we headed over to the Finding Nemo play. At first I was a little concerned about how the kids would behave and if the actors playing fish would be too distracting, but it ended up being amazing. The kids did well and Elizabeth absolutely loved it.

After the show we were heading over for a potty break (very important to remember!) and saw that Pooh and Tigger were right next door with almost no wait posted. When we got down there we were the only ones there and got to spend so much time with them and get quite a few photos

Next we headed into the tree of life to see "A Bug's Life" Originally I wasn't planning on that because I knew it could be scary for kids, but Jeff really loves it, so we went. The kids hated it! They didn't like the grasshopper bad guy, they didn't like the special effects, and they really didn't like the bugs crawling under their bottoms! Jason was shaking and clinging to Jeff most of the time and Elizabeth kept quietly saying "protect me Mommy", at least they didn't start screaming. Since we had done most of the things we wanted to do I took the kids over to the playground area and Jeff did a ride the kids were too small for then we switched. We were letting the kids finish up when Jeff texted me to come across the "big bridge" where we found a large bone dig. As Jason's t-ball team mates can attest, he loves nothing more than digging in the dirt. So we ended the day on a good note and headed back to the camper to get some rest for our next big day.

Check back tomorrow to hear about our day at Epcot!
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