Our Magic Kingdom days were amazing! We started out our day a little different. Every other park it was faster for us to drive ourselves, but Magic Kingdom was right across the lake from us so we took a bus to the boat and arrived at the park shortly before rope drop. We headed though the castle and over to fantasy land for the Little Mermaid ride. So much has changed since the last time we came to Disney World with the expansion of fantasyland and this was one of the rides Jeff and I had not seen. Elizabeth said it was her favorite of the day! After that we headed over to the Winnie the Pooh ride. Although the ride was the same they changed the line to have fun things for the kids to play with while they wait. What a great idea!!! We had a FP+ for Peter Pan's flight then headed over to Thunder Mountain Railroad to get a child swap ticket for the boys to ride while I waited with Elizabeth. Then I would get a chance to go with Jason later in the day. While they were on that ride and as they did Splash Mountain with a FP+, Elizabeth and I headed off to meet some friends.

As soon as she saw we were next to visit with Cinderella she started jumping up and down and called out "we're next!" It was so adorable! They had an adorable conversation, but unfortunately when Elizabeth is shy she gets very quiet so I couldn't hear much of it. Rapunzel did ask her if she liked to spin in her pretty dress, which got an emphatic nod. When we were done Elizabeth asked me for a Rapunzel dress. I think she liked her!

After we visited with the princesses the boys weren't done yet so we headed over to the carousel and found a pink horse for Elizabeth. We had the guys meet us back in Fantasy land for our special lunch at the new Be Our Guest restaurant in the Beast's castle. The food was delicious and the ambiance was wonderful. We ate in the ballroom because I had heard the West Wing can be scary for children, but we checked out the other rooms after we finished with lunch. When we were done with lunch we headed back across the lake to the camper for our rest.

Even though she took a good nap Elizabeth looked pretty exhausted on the way back to the park. We were glad the next day was scheduled as a rest day. First thing Jason and I used our child swap ticket for him to ride Big Thunder Mountain Railroad again and he kept telling me that he was going to keep me safe. While we were doing that Jeff and Elizabeth headed over to Tom Sawyer Island to explore a bit. When we met up we had a FP+ for the Haunted Mansion. I was a little nervous for the kids, but Jason kept reminding me that it was just pretend and he would protect me. After that we opted for something a little happier and headed over to It's a Small World. Jeff and I agreed that they really toned down the song quite a bit. You heard the tune in every room, but only actually heard the song in the last room and we wouldn't have been in the last room for as long if the boats had not gotten stuck there for a bit. I think I liked it a little better when the song go stuck in your head from hearing it so much!

When you use up your original 3 FastPass+ they let you make another one at the kiosk in the park. We were a little concerned because the line looked long so Jeff and the kids headed off to find us a tasty treat while I made us a FP+ for Pirates of the Caribbean. The line went by quickly and we were all eating our mickey shaped ice cream in no time! After we finished up and cleaned everyone up we headed over to the ride only to find it was closed for maintenance. We seemed to have lots of maintenance issues on this trip which I don't remember having before. So while we were waiting we decided to do all the other things in Adventure Land by seeing the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse, riding Aladdin's Magic Carpets (watch out for the camels, they spit!) and going on the Jungle Cruise. As we were halfway through waiting in the line for Jungle Cruise Elizabeth calls out she needs to go potty...great! We dashed out through the FP+ line and found a bathroom and headed back hoping we could find our way to Jeff and Jason. Thankfully the cast member remembered us and we were all able to go on the one-liner cruise together.

We checked one last time to see if we could get on Pirates and it had just re-opened so we hopped on. Jason was a little freaked out about the pirates having a battle over our heads, but we made it through okay. We grabbed some dinner at Pecos Bill's and talked over if we should stay for the parade and fireworks. At first we were a little concerned because Jason was starting to have a difficult time obeying, but dinner really improved his mood. There was a spot right across from the restaurant that seemed like a good spot.
While we waited for the parade to start the kids got special light sticks I had bought at Walmart for the trip. Jason's looked like a sword and Elizabeth's looked like a heart wand. In trying to keep the kiddos entertained Jeff was showing Elizabeth how to wave her wand and the plastic heart flew off, was kicked by oncoming traffic and then stepped on. Cue the crying, thankfully the parade started soon and Elizabeth really liked Cinderella's dancing mice. After the parade we tried to get out of the park quickly, but had a hard time getting through the crowd waiting for the Wishes fireworks show. I even got run over by an electrical scooter, ouch!!! We made it out to the dock and watched most of the fireworks before our boat got there. In hindsight we probably should have staked out a spot in front of the castle and just seen the whole show from there since we ended up staying late on our last night to see the whole show well.
At least we had a rest day on the agenda next.
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