Sunday, April 29, 2012


Wow, a lot of stuff has been going on around here lately.  I will start with a post I have been meaning to put up for a week, but haven't had a chance to.  Last weekend my wonderful father in law and husband built a fort for our children.  When we were looking at buying houses I said that I wanted an area the kids to could play safely and have a playground.  So we started looking at playgrounds and decided we liked the Skyfort from Sam's Club. 

2012_04_065 by RachSal

It was delivered on Tuesday in four boxes and a slide.  That night we started taking out and inventorying pieces.  By Wednesday night we had all the boxes unpacked and were able to put a protective coating on the wood.  I spent a lot of the day Thursday organizing everything so the guys could find it and Thursday afternoon they got started.

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2012_04_069 by RachSal

2012_04_066 by RachSal

On Friday they were delayed a bit by the on and off rain, but were able to make some good progress.  It was starting to look like a fort by the end of the day.

2012_04_074 by RachSal

Saturday ended up being quite a cold day, but that made it a bit nicer for working.  The sun was shining so the guys ended up getting a lot done.

2012_04_078 by RachSal

2012_04_079 by RachSal

2012_04_085 by RachSalLet me out to play!

After chuch on Sunday there didn't seem to be much left and we thought they would just breeze through and have most of the evening left, but we were wrong!  They finished as day was closing, but they did finish!

2012_04_088 by RachSal

2012_04_089 by RachSal

The kids love playing on their new fort and we go out almost once a day.

Coming soon: cast removal

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, the playground looks awesome! We are glad that your kids love playing on their new fort. Thanks for sharing AND for shopping at Sam’s Club! – Ramona from Sam’s Club
