Monday, June 21, 2010

In San Antonio

We survived!  We actually made the trip in 2 days instead of 3 as I thought we would.  To do that we only completely stopped for about two hours during the night at a rest stop.  Jeff said he wanted to be done with the trip so we just pushed through.  I was happily surprised at how well Jason did.  There was some fussing, but for the most part he just hugged on Pooh bear.

We have enjoyed seeing family down here in San Antonio and loved spending Father's day with them.  We have been spending tons of money shopping down here and Jason has really been enjoying the pool and all the extra attention.  It is great to have built in babysitters that can watch Jason so I can get a much needed haircut without someone fussing to get on my lap.  Jason still loves to be read to and everyone knows what his favorite book here is about Pooh bear and the supersluths.

We are debating on getting a new car as we were able to sell our BMW a week ago (thank God!)  We know that a new car is a want and not a need because Jeff will be getting a company truck and I would be able to drive around our truck.  It is just such a pain to get Jason into and out of his carseat in the pickup and doing simple things like grocery shopping becomes a hassle.  We have been visiting a couple of dealerships in the area and have narrowed down a few cars that we like, but the issues is how Scrooge-like we want to be.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

We're Moving...again!

No this isn't deja vu (see We're Moving!!!)  This time we are moving back to the States.  We will be so sad to leave the good friends we have met here! 

Jeff accepted a new job in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico and they want him there by the begining of July.  His last day of work here will be on June 11th and hopefully everything will work out that we can start our long drive south on the 12th.  We are still working on getting through all of the current company's relocation hoops, but hopefully we will be lucky and get it all figured out soon.  We are planning on first going down to San Antonio to try to sell our car that has been living there while we were in Canada.  After we have that acomplished we will head off to T or C to find a place to live.

If you have been following us for a little while you know that I can be a bit of a nervous Nellie about keeping Jason entertained while traveling.  Our 3 day drive to Texas is no change.  I'm trying to sort out the snacks I should bring and if he will be interested in watching a DVD player.  It was so much easier to drive up here with him when he was only 3 months old.  Then he was happy to sit in his chair and sleep most of the way.  Now everything I am reading is saying that you should let the child get up every 2-3 hours, but we are of the mind that you keep driving until you can't drive any more.  I am sure there will be some tears, but we will persevere.