Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Beautiful birthday girl








Our sweet girl turns 3 today!  I can't believe she has gotten so big, she was just my itty bitty baby.  She loves pink and tea parties.  She likes to play with dolls and dressing up and doing girly things, but she also loves to race her brother and play trains with him.  She hopes to jump in the pool just like big brother this summer.  My biggest surprise during our birthday interview was when she told me she wanted to be a ballerina when she grew up.  I didn't even know she knew about ballet, good thing we were planning on starting her on lessons next fall.  Of course you can't have all sugar without a bit of spice and our girl does have an opinion.  Recently she has started telling us "you call me Beth" so we will see if that sticks.  When you tell her something she doesn't like she will put her fists on her hips, purse her mouth, point her face down and look up at you angrily.  Most of the time she really is a sweet, cuddly girl who we are so happy to see grow.



Friday, March 21, 2014

Calling Baton Rouge

We spent last weekend camping in Louisiana.  We wanted to go on a dry run with our camper and had never visited Louisiana so we just went for it.  We started by visiting the French Quarter in New Orleans

We ended our day with s'mores around a fake campfire since we didn't have a firepit at the campsite.  We made do and the kids had a blast!

The next day we explored both the old and new state capital buildings in Baton Rouge.

Elizabeth wanted to look for Cinderella in this castle, but couldn't find her!

Next we visited the USS Kidd and our kids had a great time climbing all over the ship!

We didn't go in because the kids were passed out in the back seat, but we did get to see the unusual New Capital Building.

With beautiful gardens right out front!


I have said before that Jason is our shy guy, but that might be changing.  Where at one time he would run away when introduced to new people, now he goes up and says "Hi, I'm Jason and this is my sister Elizabeth."  We tend to see our children in one light until we are forced to change.  Yesterday Jason had his 5 year old check up.  We learned that although he is very small for his age he continues to grow along the same curve.  Because of this check up we had to drop him off late to preschool.  The other kids all at the playground running around.  We have always thought that Jason was more of a follower and when he talked about his sidekicks, Isacc and Ian, he was really more of a sidekick to them.  I was pleasantly surprised then when we went to the playground to drop him off and many of the boys ran up to greet him and seemed genuinely glad he was there.  It just makes me very happy that he is making some really good friends and socializing well.   I don't know why I'm surprised, Jason is just letting the other children see what an amazing person we know him to be.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014