Monday, April 26, 2010

Take a Hike

This weekend was perfect weather to go out on a walk.  It was cool enough that the mosquitos and black flys hadn't come out yet and warm enough to not freeze.  I think we will only have a few more weeks like this.  So Jeff, Jason and I went out on a walk around a nearby lake.  It was a bit cooler than expected and Jason eventually got tired of sitting in his stroller, but we did have a good time.  To entertain Jason we let him get out and walk a little bit and he would have loved to walk the entire way.  Unfortunatly we wouldn't have gotten around the lake in time for Jeff to go back to work this morning if we took the hike at Jason's pace.

That afternoon I went out for a much needed girls night.  For the first time I left while Jason was still up.  Jeff played with Jason for an hour and had to put him to bed.  I was so worried that there would be massive amounts of tears.  There weren't!  But my momma's boy did miss me because Jeff said that they would read a book about Momma Bear and her little boy and Jason would wander over to the window and look longingly out it  :(  The next morning he must have been excited to see me because he decided to get up at 5:30 when he normally wakes up at 6:30ish.  I didn't need that after a late night with the girls, but I was dying to see my baby so we got up and played a bit while Daddy slept in.

We are starting to get excited about our big trip (10 days!!!) and also more anxious about leaving Jason.  He has gotten much more independent, but I worry that he will be so upset by being left without Mom or Dad.  I also worry that it will be a hard plane ride for our little toddler.  He wants to walk around and explore everything!  We will be taking 3 flights to get down there the first two are about an hour each then the last one is 3.5 hrs.  I really hope he will nap in my arms for the longer flight because he will not be happy being cooped up in one place for that long unless he is sleeping.  Maybe we will get lucky and there will be an extra seat next to us!  I have been reading all the tips I can find about flying with a toddler.  I know to bring plenty of diapers and a change of clothes.  We are bringing books and toys and even a magazine full of doggies (his favorite.)  We will also bring lots and lots of snacks for him.  I am bringing the DVD player since we have it, but he isn't normally interested in watching TV or movies (unless it is a dog food comercial.)  Anything you can think of that we are forgetting?

Monday, April 12, 2010

morning walk

Today Jason is 14 months old and to celebrate we have a fresh video for you. You should probably turn down the volume so you don't hear my annoying baby voice. In the 2 or 3 weeks Jason has been walking he has gotten so much better at it! Now he wanders around the house most of the time and is willing to try walking other places. Yesterday in church he wanted to walk up and down the aisles and got very upset when we had to contain him because he was banging on the windows.

This weekend we were hanging out at home and Jason we playing with his toys. We got tired of pushing him around on his little car so he decided to give Pooh Bear a ride. It was adorable how thoughtful he was.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Easter with a Toddler

So as he always does Jason wanted to prove me wrong. Right after I posted my last entry he decided it was high time he walked. It started with a couple of steps to Mommy, but now about half of the time he wants to get somewhere he is walking. He hasn't started running around yet, but we don't know how long we will be safe from that.

Just like his Daddy, Jason loves to be outside. Jeff's first word was outside and when I go out to grill something Jason complains that he has to stay in. Last week we had a few warm days and Jason and I just walked back and forth in the front yard. We are so happy to be having some nice weather lately and love going on walks to enjoy it. Sometimes Jeff even gets home early enough from work to go out with us.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Jeff and I decided at the last minute to take a trip to Niagara Falls since we never know how long we will be in any one place. We packed up and headed out on Thursday evening to arrive Friday morning. We spent Friday walking around the Falls and the surrounding town. Jason loved just watching the water and would have spent the entire day doing that if Mom and Dad would have let him. After a day we felt like we saw everything so we packed up and drove back into the USA. We went shopping in Buffalo, NY for a formal dress for our cruise. After searching all day I finally did find one that worked. Easter morning we went for a swim in the hotel pool since Jason loves playing in the pool. Then we went up to our room to find what the Easter bunny had left us and do an egg hunt. Jason actually did eventually figure out what we were telling him when we asked him to find the eggs. And he really loved the animal crackers hidden inside. Then we left for our long drive home.

In his Easter basket Jason had a stuffed bunny that he loves. In fact Jason is a fan of anything cuddly. He loves blankets, stuffed animals and doggies. We visited a friend with a dog and Jason fell in love. Now any time he sees a dog while we are walking or in a comercial he squeels. He also loves being read to. He will pick up a book and grunt at you until you come over and read it to him. We are so lucky to have such a sweet little boy!